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Performing Live with Jack,Qsynth, and Bristol Organ

740 bytes added, 12:03, 18 February 2011
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==== Tweaking Qsynth to Play Different MIDI Channels / Sound-fonts ====
To be completedBefore proceeding with this section, please familiarise yourself with how to use Qsynth and sound-fonts by reading another one of my WIKIs:<br />[ [[Quick & Simple - Setting up Jack Server and Q-synth]] ]. I will assume that you have a basic knowledge of using Qysynth, obtaining sound-fonts, and adding sound-fonts in Qsynth for the remainder of this section. I have see some misinformation regarding the use of sound-fonts with Qsynth. You can add in a lot of sound-fonts with Qsynth, and then assign them (either using a particular sound, or incorporating "sound banks") to midi channels.I am currently have assigned ones to 16 midi channels.In addition, you can save these midi assigns as different "profile names" to be saved and loaded as required