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Teams Winter 2011/team1/OSGI/Implement the Service Provider

802 bytes added, 19:20, 13 February 2011
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=== 2. Implement the Service Provider ===
'''2.1. Create the provider bundle'''
: The process of creating the bundle is almost the same as interface bundle. Here we just need an activator to register the bundle.
So, when creating the new plug-in project, make sure to leave the Activator checked:
[[Image: createProvider.jpg | 300px]]
'''2.12. Register the service in the class Activator''':Here is the implementation of the Activator class for registering the service:[[Image: providerActivator.jpg | 300px]]
'''2.2. Define the MANIFEST.MF for the service provider bundle.'''
:In the manifest that is created during the process of creating the bundle, we need to import the service package.: Click on the ''MANIFEST.MF'' - > select the ''Dependencies'' tab -> click on ''Add'' to ''import'' a package:[[Image: providerImport1.jpg | 300px]]: Type in the name of the package of your interface. After it was selected click ok:[[Image: providerImport2.jpg | 300px]]
'''2.3. Install and run the Service Provider Bundle'''