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OPS235 Lab 4 - Fedora17

81 bytes added, 13:44, 5 February 2011
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# Open the console window for ''fedora1''.
# Select the menu option View>Details.
# Click ''Add Hardware''button at the bottom left-hand corner.# In the ''Adding new virtual hardware'' window that appears, select a Hardware Type of ''"storage"'' and click ''"Forward"''.# Press the button to ''Select Make certain option "Managed or other existing storage'' for the storage space" is selected. Click on the ''Browse'' button, then click on ''New Volume''.
# Give the new virtual disk file a name of <code>fedora1b</code>, a format of ''raw'', with a ''Max Capacity'' and ''Allocation'' of 2000 MB. Click ''Finish''.
# Select the new virtual disk file ''fedora1b.img'' and click ''Choose Volume''.
# Finish creating the new virtual disk by clicking ''Forward'' and then ''Finish''.
# Boot the system. You should now have both <code>/dev/vda</code> and <code>/dev/vdb</code>.
# Record the size of the volume group and the amount of free space(Hint: use a command that you learned in a previous lab).
# Partition /dev/vdb with a single partion that fills the whole disk.
# Check the messages printed when <code>fdisk</code> exits -- you may need to reboot the system in order for the new partition table to take effect.