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Team1/Creating your first Java project

607 bytes removed, 06:49, 1 February 2011
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[[Image: Java_Package2.jpg | 550px]]
<br/>1.5. Create Now you can add/create Java class. Right click on the newly created package and select ''New -> Class''<br/>[[Image: Java_Class.jpg | 600px]] <br/>1.6. Specify the name and check ''"public static voin main"'' in the ''method stubs'' section.<br />[[Image: Java_Class2.jpg | 600px]] <br/>1.7. Modify the main method:<br/> <pre>public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("This is my first class");  }</pre> <br/>1.8. Run your code: Right click on classes to your Java class and select ''Run-as-> Java application'' <br/>[[Image: Java_Run.jpg | 600px]]  <br/>1.9. Check the Console, you should see the following: <br/>[[Image: Java_Run2.jpg | 600px]]project