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Team1/Debugging your programs

302 bytes added, 23:54, 30 January 2011
12. Debugging Your Program
F7: will go to the caller of the method/ function. So this will leave the current code and go to the calling code.<br/>
F8: goes to the next breakpointbreak point. If no further breakpoint break point is encountered then the program will normally run. <br/>
'''12.7. Add Watch:'''To see the value of a variable or an statement, you need to add watch to it. Select the variable, right click and select "Watch" from the menu. The variable will be added as Expression in Expression view and the value of it is shown in any step of the debugger.
[[Image:Debug9.jpg|600px ]]<br/><br/>
[[Image:Debug10.jpg|600px ]]<br/><br/>