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Team1/Debugging your programs

298 bytes added, 23:38, 30 January 2011
12. Debugging Your Program
[[Image:Debug6.jpg|600px ]]<br/><br/>
'''12.4. Step Over:'''To move forward in the code and step over method calls, press F6 or use the Step Over button in the Debug view.<br />[[Image:Debug7.jpg|600px ]]<br/><br/>'''12.5. Step Into:'''To move forward in the program and step into method press F5 or use Step Into button in the Debug view.
<br />
[[Image:Debug8.jpg|600px ]]<br/><br/>
'''12.6. Other Useful Function keys:'''
'''12.7. Add Watch:'''
[[Image:Debug7Debug9.jpg|600px ]]<br/><br/>