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DPS905 Hic Sunt Dracones

207 bytes added, 08:27, 20 January 2011
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{{GAM666GAM670/DPS901 DPS905 Index | 2010320111}}
= Razed by Fire =
== Project Marking Percentage ==
''' [,,,, Group Email]'''
* [ dps905 Daniel Hodgin]* [ dps905 Jon Buckley]* [ dps905 James Boelen]* [ Steven Weerdenburgdps905 Kaitlyn Callow]* [ Kaitlyn Callowdps905 David Perit
** Sundays at 9pm in channel [irc:// #HSD] on
* '''TEL Open Lab'''== Game Information ==** Thursdays from 9:50 - 11:40 == Phase 1 ===== Proposal ===Forour second run at this project we will be adding more functionality to the game. More in TEL Open Labdepth COLLADA loading, more refined particle systems, refined XAudio, and visibility performance increases.== Phase 2 == == Phase 3 ==
 == Game Information =Old history from DPS901=
== Phase 1 ==