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SBR600 Mock and Koji Lab

340 bytes added, 00:22, 19 January 2011
Queueing the Build Request
# Issue the command: <code>koji build ''dist-f14'' --scratch ''yourSRPM''</code>
#* ''dist-f14'' (called the ''Target'') instructs koji to build the package using the packages available in the Fedora 14 distribution, and prepare it for inclusion in that distribution.
#* The ''--scratch'' option causes koji to build the package but not tag it for the target (i.e., not to include it in Fedora 14). To perform a build that will be passed to Bodhi for distribution, substitute <code>--rebuild</code> for <code>--scratch</code> and use a git URL for the package (''do not'' do this until you have passed the [[:fedora:Package Review Process|package review]] and [[:fedora:How to get sponsored into the packager group|sponsor]] procedures!).
# You can either follow the progress of the build by leaving the command running, or you may interrupt the <code>koji</code> command by pressing Ctrl-C once the message "this may be safely interrupted" is printed. Record the ''taskID'' printed for future reference.