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SBR600 Potential Projects

375 bytes added, 12:38, 11 January 2011
Fedora-Mozilla Projects
= Fedora-Mozilla Projects =
<!-- == Repository Setup for Mozilla Nightlies and Betas ==
Many web developers want access to the latest Firefox pre-releases, including the nightly builds and beta releases. Mozilla's build team wants to make these accessible as parallel-installable binaries, released through a Fedora-compatible repository. This Last semester, a group of SBR600 students set most of this up; this project involves setting this upextending and improving their work.
<!-- Subprojects:
* Build configuration for the RPM files.
* Repository configuration RPMs.
* Getting SELinux to work with the nightlies.
-> See [ Bug bug 600317]<br />. * Maximum number of students: 1* Skills required: system administration, scripting, packaging* Resources: scripts and configuration from the previous semester* Expected result: fully-functioning repository configuration ready for installation on Mozilla's systems; well-written documentation* Initial contacts: [[User:Chris TylerArmenzg|ctylerarmenzg]], [[User:ArmenzgChris Tyler|armenzgctyler]] -->
= Mozilla Projects =