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SBR600 RPM-Writing Lab

1,982 bytes added, 00:59, 9 January 2011
Created page with 'Category:SBR600 Labs = Purpose = To create an RPM package. = Resources = * Fedora Package Maintainers page ** [[:fedora:PackageMaintainers/C…'
[[Category:SBR600 Labs]]
= Purpose =

To create an RPM package.

= Resources =

* [[:fedora:PackageMaintainers|Fedora Package Maintainers page]]
** [[:fedora:PackageMaintainers/CreatingPackageHowTo|Packaging How-To]]
* ''Fedora Linux'' chapter 5 (see Seneca Library website > eBooks > View All > Safari > Fedora Linux).

= Preparation =

# Install the required packages:
#* <code>yum groupinstall "Fedora Packager"</code>
#* <code>yum install rpmlint yum-utils</code>
# Create the ~/rpmbuild directories and the ~/.rpmmacros file: <code>rpmdev-setuptree</code>

= Steps =

For each of the two packages you [[SBR600 Build-from-Source Lab|previously built from source]]:
# Put the package source code (tarball) in <code>~/rpmbuild/SOURCES</code>
# Change to the SPECS directory: <code>cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS</code>
# Create an empty skeleton spec file: <code>rpmdev-newspec ''nameOfPackage''</code>
# Edit the specfile. Fill in the metadata and all of the required sections.
# Attempt to build your package: <code>rpmbuild -ba ''nameOfPackage''.spec</code>
# If there are errors, edit the specfile and try building again. Repeat until the build is successful.
# When the build is successful, the binary RPMs will be placed in <code>~/rpmbuild/RPMS</code> and the source RPM will be placed in <code>~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/</code>

You should also test your build:
# Run the ''rpmlint'' command once for each of these files, giving the filename as the positional argument:
#* the spec file
#* the SRPM
#* each binary RPM
# Note any errors or warnings
# Attempt to address each of the errors or warnings. The [[:fedora:Common_Rpmlint_issues]] page may be a useful resource.
#* If you cannot address each of the errors and warnings, bring information about the ones that you could not solve to the next class.

= Deliverables =

Write a blog post about your experience building these packages. Include notes about what worked and didn't work, and include a link to the spec files, SRPMs, and RPMs.