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Distcc With MSVC

10,182 bytes added, 12:50, 29 May 2007
Added link for compiler porters
= Project Name =
[| distcc], distributed compilations for C/C++ compilers.
= Project Description =
The goal of this project is to speed up Windows Mozilla Builds by spreading object compilations over several machines. This can be done by using an open source product called distcc created by Martin Pool. Unfortunately this is only available on *nix machines using gcc. Our project involves porting this software to Windows and use [ Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler] using cygwinand msys.
= Project Leader(s) =
We have stuff for you to do!
* [ Dave Liebreich] - Thanks for checkin whether cygwin's ln will create working links to cl.exe (e.g. a link name clfoo.exe to cl.exe).* [[User:Bhearsum|Ben Hearsum]] - for the windows box and support! Thank you!* [[User:JasonSpiro|Jason Spiro]] - For helping figure out why cl wouldn't execute in the unit testing framework and assisting in finding the right path to solve this issue.* [[User:Pcvitori | Phil]] - helped with changing the page on helping people do research into cl options for us.* Moe* [[User:RealMarkP|Mark P. (aka RealMarkP)]]* David Humphrey* Jeff* Melz = Product Documentation =The project has been focused on getting distcc to work with Mozilla, mainly because Mozilla uses GNU Makefiles which can run concurrent jobs. We have started a [[distcc_mozilla_tutorial| tutorial]] in order to help testers/developers. We have also written documentation for others who might wish to [[Adding Compilers to Distcc|add support to distcc for other compilers]] (e.g., Java, C#, etc.). == Current Status ==* Some of the Test Cases may be incorrect. Neither Tom nor Cesar have extensive experience in CL options. So it may not distribute when it should, or it may distribute when it shouldn't. == What's still to do == <!-- Taken from ben's project page --><table style="width: 100%;" class="standard-table" cellborder=1 border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0> <tr><th>Task</th><th style="width: 10%>Priority</th><th style="width: 30%">Status</th></tr> <tr><td>Fix documentation, including website, manpage, and tutorials</td><td style="background-color: #ff671e; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">Medium</td><td>Neglected. I think Tom has worked on the man page, Cesar has worked on the tutorial</td></tr> <tr><td>* find a suitable replacement for fork()** using windows threads. Need to use #ifdef directives to switch between unix fork and threads. But perhaps where is a better way to do this.** Perhaps talk to Martian Pool to see if he has any ideas? He hasn't been in the mailing list for a while.</td><td style="background-color: red; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">High</td><td>Have not started</td></tr> <tr><td>* Send .pdb files to allow debug builds. Currently blocking mozilla from ever using distcc.** looking at the protocol. Hopefully we don't have to changed a lot.</td><td style="background-color: red; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">High</td><td>Have not started</td></tr> <tr><td>* Port distcc to use mingw** Properly link in winsock library ([ fixed] using libtool)** use windows threads (another high priority item)** locate and replace unix functionality that existed in cygwin, but doesn't exist in mingw.</td><td style="background-color: red; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">High</td><td>Have only got libtool to compile a simple sockets program. We have now port it to distcc* probably use #ifdef MINGW ... #else ... #endif in source files that use socket.h* another possibility is to have one header file handle this, and the source files include that header file </td></tr> <tr><td>Find more applications that use the Makefile system and can use CL</td><td style="background-color: #ff671e; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">Medium</td><td>Difficult to find. Not many open source applications use Makefile and MSVC, many choosing to opt for NMake</td></tr> <tr><td>Compile NSPR using distcc</td><td style="background-color: #ff671e; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">Medium</td><td>Dave suggested only building NSPR because its smaller and won't take as long to compile. Cesar is responsible for this</td></tr> <tr><td>boy there sure are lot of memory leaks... would be nice to fix that</td><td style="background-color: yellow; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">Low</td><td>We can use tools like valgrind and mtrace to help. Or we can use Boehm-GC to free the memory automatically. But this is a lot of work for such low priority.</td></tr> <tr><td>Make sure that there are no orphan distcc processes left after make maintainer-check</td><td style="background-color: yellow; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: bigger">Low</td><td>This is a problem when tests are killed, and can leave to false-negatives when you try to rerun the tests again. But that can be fixed with god ol' kill-y mc. kill, agent 009</td></tr> </table> <!-- {|class="standard-table" border='1'|-| Need to port unit tests to ensure same functionality for cl as for gcc. | medium |-| <strike>Get distcc working with Moz </strike> {| class="standard-table" border='1' |- | <strike>check why MSVC Preprocessor seems to be dying with firefox 2.0 release source. Possible Solution: We're doing unix to windows path conversion on the daemon, move that code to the client and everything might be good.</strike> | <strike>high (currently Cesar & Tom)</strike> |- | <strike>Figure out why distributed builds die but nondistributed builds don't. This issue lies in the Moz Build System not in distcc code.</strike> | <strike>High</strike> |}| <strike>HIGH</strike>|-| Get a list of programs that work with our distcc{| class="standard-table" border='1' | Application | Reporter |- | [ NLED] | Cesar |- | [ mozilla] | Tom + Cesar |}|Medium|-|boy there sure are lot of memory leaks... would be nice to fix that| low|-|Make sure that there are no orphan distcc processes left after make maintainer-check| low|-|}--> == How to get distcc to compile use cl == Tom and Cesar created this patch keeping backwards compatibility in mind. You should be able to still use distcc to compile your c programs if you wish. But if you applied the patch, you probably want to do more than that. Firstly, the environment variables for distributing with cl is different. '''DISTCC_HOSTS''' is still valid for gcc, but cl will be looking for '''DISCC_CL_HOSTS''' instead. In fact, that is the only thing it looks for. Unlike gcc, cl will not look for ~/.distcc directory. This might be implemented later on. Secondly, masquerade mode works only for gcc. If you want want to use cl, you must explicitly say so (distcc cl hello.c). If you are using gnu make, you must also explictly tell it to use cl as well (eg using CC, CXX, etc). == Maintainer-check ==  ''NOTE :: If you run the checks, please check your processes (ps aux, or the task manager) for leaked distcc/distccd programs. We will fix this ASAP'' You may ignore this section if you installed Microsoft's CL in the default C:\ directory and your tests work fine. In order to properly run the tests, you <u>may</u> need to make a few changes. The '''PATH''' variable is reinitalized when the test cases are run. Normally, the tests ''will'' fail when they try the cl tests. This is because PATH does not look for the cl executable and the libraries. Tom and Cesar have made certain assemptions when extending the include path, and included these following paths : /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin<br>/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE If it is different for your machine, you need to find these in the or Makefile and change them to your settings. == Extending the program ==This will be postponed until we get distcc working properly (not fully) with cl.
= Project Details =
We have kept the two vtable branch because we actually got a lot of the cl specific stuff done (before we realized we missed some functions).
== Help Us Out ==
Here's what you can do to help us out...:
* <strike>[[Distcc with MSVC:CL Options]]</strike>
* [ help us test!]
* [[Distcc_With_MSVC:build_testing | Windows Apps for Testing Distcc With MSVC]]
== The First Patch (Oops) ==
= Project News =
See what's up with this project! Older news can be found [[Distcc With MSVC:Older News|here]]
== May 1, 2007 ==
I've been doing a lot of #ifdef conditions, just to get it to compile (although we will be doing windows threads instead of fork, this is just a step). But now I'm stuck on the function fcntl(). It's a POSIX function, and it has POSIX flags, but some of the flags don't seem to exist in Windows. I don't have enough information to know how important the function is, and if we can just skip it.
And I forgot my power cable in a certain building, and laptop is running out of battery!
== April 30, 2007 ==
There are some header files in distcc that have the same name as some of the standard header files in /usr/include. One file is rpc.h, which is being #included by "sockets.h". Since we don't need sockets.h, this shouldn't be a problem in ''this case''. But that is still something we have to watch out for.
Bah! windows.h #includes rpc.h, dammit.
Resource : [ Microsofts Unix migration guide]
== April 28, 2007 ==
PDB files :
vc80.pdb - source file debug symbols
'''project'''.pdb - project debug symbols
vc80.pdb can be overwritten by/Fd'''debug'''
Link between '''source'''.c[pp] and '''debug''' is hard coded in the object file. You can find it by running the ''strings'' command on the object file (Thanks shaver!).
Leaving debug symbols aside. We should probably start porting distcc to mingw and replacing incompatible functions. Since that would be more time consuming and more difficult to get right.
== April 23, 2007 ==
Semester is over. Because I honestly have no life, and there is work to do here, I started mapping out the distcc protocol, so we can start making any changes, if necessary. It was a wasted afternoon because the protocol is already documented in the trunk, under docs directory (who would have guessed?)
Preliminary examination indicates that this won't be so much work. The functions seem to already be there.
== March 19, 2007 ==
There was a subtle bug in Mozilla's code base that [ bug 274563] deals with that made it impossible for distcc to build Moz. If you apply the patch attached to the [ bug] then you'll be able to do distcc builds of Mozilla. We will soon be releasing our first beta to reflect our confidence in the code.
==Feb 27, 2007==
We are able to do distributed builds of Mozilla but it dies when trying to link stuff together (issues surrounding ATL?). So in order to take advantage of Ben Smedberg's wonderful [ Mozilla Build] and be able to get help figuring out weird linkage bugs and dependancies without having to deal with cygwin issues (which are galore), we've started a branch with a mingw port: svn://
For ==Jan 4, 2007==The post made to the most up build newgroup seems to have gathered dust. If mozilla is limited to date info look up [http://wwwonly 4 jobs, than distcc is somewhat limited.foobartasticBut that's not our foobartastic]
==Oct 20Tom has found one problem with using cygwin. 2006=Using absolute pathnames. For example :<code><pre>We have a usable windows box $ cl hello.cMicrosoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.42 for doing our msvc testing 80x86Copyright (finally!C)Microsoft Corporation. Thanks to [[User:Bhearsum]] for the boxes All rights reserved.
==Oct 12hello. 2006==cArgh. I have been trying to build firefox using distcc for about 2 weeks, with many small details getting in the way. At one point things were working, but than it stopped and I don't know why. I finally, at one point, got things to build on andrew's machine. But the build failed complaining about (this is one of the many, many things) ''undefined reference operator deleteMicrosoft (void*R)''. I think it might be because distcc is calling gcc rather than c++. I changed the MOZCONFIG to use CC='distcc gcc' and CXX='distcc g++'Incremental Linker Version 8. This threw me this ugliness : make[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j100. Add `+' to parent make rule50727.42Which I told reed about, but has never came across this problemCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. One nasty solution is to use -j without specifing a number to allow unlimited jobs. At least it's workingAll rights reserved.
In other news, Tom sent a [http/out:hello.exehello.obj</pre></listscode>Works.samba.orgBut this doesn't :<code><pre>$ cl /cygdrive/c/archivehome/distcctemp/2006q4hello.cMicrosoft (R) 32-bit C/003466C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.42 for 80x86Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.html patch] All rights reserved.
== Oct. 2 2006 ==cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/cygdrive/c/home/tempA preliminary test of running distcc in cygwin revealed we were failing 4 tests; one or two more than our first patch/hello. We tried to fix it, but never had success and didnc't issue cl : Command line error D8003 : missing source filename</pre></code>There are a commit. A while later few things we try running distcc again on another machine. This time we were only failing one test, which is less than our first patch. Here is the known tests to failcan do about this :# EmptySource_Case --- This is expected to fail since this is a bug in the earlier gcc compiler.* replace /cygdrive/c/ with C:\The explination for the extra three preliminary tests failing is because we interupted one of * user must replace the tests, enviroment variable TMPDIR which we believed caused the daemon defaults to be orphaned and exacting it's revenge on the murder's of it's parent processes./tmp
== SeptCesar found another problem. 26 2006 ==Tried Both C/C++ preprocessed file ends in .i. cl has no way of knowning if it's a C/C++ preprocessed file. So it refuses to do parallel builds with mozilla in linux compile it (maybe it treats it as an object file). So when we preprocess, we should have done this first)to redirect to the same extension as the source file.<code><pre>$ cl hello. Here is something usefull to know :iTo parallel build in mozilla, you cannot pass the Microsoft (R) 32-jN option to make and expect it to workbit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727. It didn't 42 for me, and make was killing itself without an explination80x86Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. I later learned that you have to add the following line to mozconfig mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS=-j8All rights reserved.
== Septcl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'hello.i', object file assumedMicrosoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 8.00.50727.42Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 24 2006 ==
We think we've got the architecture right now. Ofcourse the only way to know is to start porting cl /out:)hello. We're now going to try to port the tests to work with clexehello.exeihello.i : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0xEE7F</pre></code>