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Processingjs paper

2,223 bytes added, 17:05, 5 January 2011
What is this?
Merging technologies
Processing.js helps merge multiple new and emerging HTML5 technologies together to make design and production for the web easier. Processing.js connects the processing language with web technologies such as WebGL, JavaScript, and the HTML5 canvas element. More importantly the library is built in such a way as to allow new technologies to be added in at a later date and for the scope of the library to change as new technologies evolve. In the future, other technologies such as 3D audio, controller inputs, and HTML5 video integration could be added to the library to allow Processing sketches to integrate with them.
-WebGL integration example paragraph-
Image manipulation
Processing.js includes full support for pixel and color manipulation of images on the canvas element. Images can be resized, tinted, blended, copied, resized, or have filters and masks applied to them. Images can also be manipulated at the pixel level allowing for any level of image manipulation required. Images can also be created and filled from pieces of other images, the current canvas content, or have their pixels filled dynamically. This functionality allows for images to be created from external data that is passed into the processing sketch and visualized through code.
copying pieces of an image
blending regions of an image with different modes
different types of filters applied to an image
resizing an image
Pjs directives
In order for Processing.js to closely match the functionality of the native Processing language some custom flags had to be created to make the library behave like the native language. Pjs directives are a set of commands that are embedded in a multiline comment at the top of the sketch to control a few aspects of how the sketch will work. Placing the directives in a multiline comment allows for backwards compatibility of sketches with native Processing so that sketches written in Processing.js can be run on the native Processing JAVA platform. There are currently three Processing.js directives. These directives add the ability to preload images before the sketch begins to run, and to toggle transparent backgrounds and anti-aliasing of lines.
==Browser Unification==