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Processingjs paper

453 bytes added, 17:03, 5 January 2011
"The Mozilla experience however, suggests that proprietary products may not be well-suited to distributed development if they have tightly-coupled architectures. There is a need to create an “architecture for participation,” one that promotes ease of understanding by limiting module size, and ease of contribution " - (MacCormack, Rusnak and Baldwin 2004).
In September 2009, Seneca College students along with other developers began the work to complete the Processing port to JavaScript. In order to facilitate an architecture forparticipation a number of things needed to happen. First and foremost the source code must had to be readily available. Secondly, the inner workings of the project and the missing functionality must be publicized and a dialog started. To this end the source code was made available publicly on GitHub and an issue tracking system was used to manage the large number of issues needed to be resolved in order to complete the port. A review process was setup to ensure that the code submitted was of sufficient quality.
  /*to be deleted in comment Society has a vital interest in encouraging and rewarding innovation. Presently, there are two major models characterizing how this may be done. The first, the “private investment” model and the second, the “collective action” model (von Hippel and von Krogh 2003). Von Hippel and von Krogh go on to say that the private investment model assumes private returns to the innovator resulting from private goods and efficient rule of intellectual property protection. Whereas the collective action model assumes collaboration from multiple innovators resulting in a public good that can be accessed by anyone.*/
In December of 2010 the first stable version of processingjs was released. Included in the release were over 1,000 bug fixes, features, and under-the-hood improvements. At the time the project had twenty six recorded code contributors, eleven of which had the status of super reviewer. At least twenty users logged in to the IRC channel at any given time, 608 members of the Google Group and 99 forks of its repository.
==Browser Unification==