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XB PointStream

304 bytes removed, 18:15, 28 December 2010
Parser Interface
Add an event listener to the parser. Once the event occurs, the parser
will call the associated function and pass in a reference to itself.
The parser needs to pass itself back to the library since the library could
be working with many parsers simultaneously.
@param {StringObject} eventName obj - can be collection of named functions start - must occur exactly once. Has one of argument, the following:parser itself "onstart" end - must occur exactly once - func(. Has one argument, the parser)itself "onparse" parse - must may occur one or many times - func(parser, {"VERTEX":[...]Has two arguments, "COLOR":[...], etc...} "onfinish" - must occur exactly once - func(the parser)itself and a "hook" - ?  @param {Function} func - the function to call when the event occursnamed collection of value types.*/addEventListener(eventName, func)
/* Removes See below for an event listener from being called.example
@param {String} eventName - Name of the event
function parseCallback(parser, attributes){