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OPS235 Assignment 1 Fall 2013

107 bytes added, 22:14, 18 December 2010
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{{Admon/caution|Fall 2010 Version!|This is the Fall 2010 version of the assignment. Do not use the information on this page until the assignment has been updated for Winter 2011 and this banner has been removed.}}
{{Admon/note | Please take note! Assignment Material May Appear on Tests and Exam| Doing your assignment is part of your ongoing learning process. As such you will be tested on this material in future tests and exams. If you have any questions or need help, please consult your instructor in a timely manner. The due date for this assignment will not be extended. As it must be marked in class.
This assignment will be marked partially through demonstration and partially through the submission of files.}}
{{Admon/important | Important/warning! Use the ''Fedora2'' Virtual Machine| Complete all parts of this assignment on your <code>fedora2</code> virtual machine '''except''' for the installation of Linux on a new VM. Before starting your assignment make a backup of your virtual machine following the instructions in lab 3.}}
=OPS235 Assignment #1 -- Fall 2010=
Due at the start of class.
{{Admon/important | Very Important! Backup Your Configuration Files| Before making any changes to your system configuration, backup the original configuration files into the <code>/backups</code> directory, and use <code>git</code> to manage your change.}}
==Basic Chores==
'''Complete the following tasks on your system (4 points for each completed task).'''
{{Admon/note tip| Important Adding a Virtual Disk| To complete the first task you may need to create an additional virtual disk image for the <code>fedora2</code> virtual machine.}}
#Setup your system so that the command <code>mount /assignment</code> -- executed by any user -- will attach the logical volume <code>assign-vol</code> from the volume group called <code>ASSIGNGROUP</code> (minimum 100 MB) to the mountpoint <code>/assignment</code> (The volume should NOT be automatically mounted at boot time)