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109 bytes added, 21:30, 18 December 2010
* [ School of Computer Studies Homepage] (includes class cancellation information and general bulletins)
== Tips and Suggestions ==
Tips and suggestions:* Always shut down your system under software control, rather than using the reset or power buttons. You can shutdown using the GUI or with the <code>poweroff</code>, <code>reboot</code>, <code>init</code>, or <code>shutdown</code> commands. '''Shut down your virtual machines before shutting down your main system.'''* If you get a message about the gnome-power-manager configuration at the login screen, you may have run out of disk space. Take Switch to a character-mode virtual terminal (for example, switch to VT2 by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2). Login and take a look at the available space (with the command: <code>df -h</code>). If the <code>/</code> filesystem is full, delete some files (such as unused VM images in <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images</code>) and then reboot the system.
* Fedora 13 Slowdowns: If your system is becoming very slow from time to time, it is probably due to a known issue with the Intel video driver, kernel, NICs, storage system, and hardware detection software (!). See [ Bug 523646] on the Fedora Bugzilla system. A fix for this problem is apparently in the works -- update your system regularly so that you get the fix as soon as it is available.
** '''Workaround:''' Type this command as root (be patient, it will take a minute or two for the system to return to normal speed): <code>killall hald devkit-disks-daemon</code>