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Team B Project Dev Page 20103 - OOP344

251 bytes added, 19:52, 15 December 2010
work tasks updated
= Trunk Status =
* Last committed by: KaitlynOleg, December 1st 15th @ 11;7:55pm
* Current status: Safe.
* Update info: Tagged submission off Committed updated version of FWText into trunk/iol.6 as tags/prj0.67
= Task Distribution =
== To Do ==
* DebugTest5 ans Test7
* December 01 2010: Made the below list of current bugs to help us all keep track of what needs looked at.
* December 01 2010: Submitted version of 2nd assignment in tags/prj0.6
* December 15 2010: Working on FWText and looking for pop up windows offset issue for Test5 and Test7
==Current Bugs==
* T5and T7: Popup window (Exit and Help) isn't displaying text in the right spot.* T7: Enter and backspace need looking into. Down and up arrows have a small bug.
== Completed Tasks ==
===Complex Functions===
James - Wiki management, FWText, Debug<br />Oleg - FWField, FWLabel, FWDialog, Debug<br />Kaitlyn - FWBorder, FWLineEdit, FWButton, FWCheck, Debug<br />
Fardad - FWValEdit
= Notes =