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Dhrystone howto

1,111 bytes added, 21:32, 14 December 2010
Project Name
== Project Name About Dhrystone ==How <font style="font-size:90%">From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</font> Dhrystone is a synthetic computing benchmark program developed in 1984 by Reinhold P. Weicker intended to be representative of system (integer) programming. The Dhrystone grew to compile become representative of general processor (CPU) performance. Later the CPU89 benchmark suite from the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation[citation needed], today known as the "SPECint" suite was introduced, but SPEC programs are quite expensive whereas Dhrystone is free, therefore Dhrystone remains popular. The name "Dhrystone" is a pun on a different benchmark algorithm called Whetstone. With Dhrystone, Weicker gathered meta-data from a broad range of software, including programs written in FORTRAN, PL/1, SAL, ALGOL 68, and optimize Pascal. He then characterized these programs in terms of various common constructs: procedure calls, pointer indirections, assignments, etc. From this he wrote the Dhrystone benchmark to correspond to a representative mix. Dhrystone was published in Ada, with the C version for arm machinesUnix developed by Rick Richardson ("version 1.1") greatly contributing to its popularity.
== Project Description ==