→2- Modifying Syntax
* ''PostgreSQLSchemaManager.java''
: <code> CREATE TABLE </code>
:: 1- DATA TYPE: data types are changed in '''<code> appendColumnType() </code>''' based on each jdbc type's equivalent in PostgreSQL.
:::*[http://db.apache.org/ddlutils/databases/postgresql.html mapping JDBC data types to PostgreSQL data types]
:::*[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Converting_MySQL_to_PostgreSQL#Data_Types comparison between Postgre and MySQL data types]
:: 2- STORAGE ENGINE: In MySQL, the storage engine is set to a transactional safe engine such as [http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/MySQL_vs_PostgreSQL#MySQL:InnoDB InnoDB], whereas PostgreSQL has a single built in engine. So, implementation of '''<code> appendTableSuffix() </code>''' in PostgreSQLManager.java was removed
:: 3- CHARACTER SET: In MySQL, the character set should be defined when creating a table. Whereas in PostgreSQL when a database is created, the character set is set to 'UTF8' by default.
:: 4- AUTO INCREMENT: [http://pointbeing.net/weblog/2008/03/mysql-versus-postgresql-adding-an-auto-increment-column-to-a-table.html]