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PostgreSQL Adapter Project - Resources

3 bytes added, 14:23, 29 November 2010
PostgreSQL Specifications
:::JDBC3 Postgresql Driver, Version 9.0-801
:::JDBC4 Postgresql Driver, Version 9.0-801 []
::'''imp'''--PostgreSQL '''Configuration Properties''' @ [ ]
:: Practice using the PostgreSQL Driver [] - [] -[]
::Connection Pools And DataSources @ [ PostgreSQL Documentation]
::'''imp'''PostgreSQL '''Configuration Properties''' @ [ ]
:: Issues specific to PostgreSQL and JDBC []
::One issue is that JDBC does not do any client-side SQL parsing or syntax checking. SQL statements are passed off transparently to the database, whether or not they are valid. Therefore, if the SQL is valid on one vendor's database, but invalid on another vendor's database the implementation won't know until the actual connection is made and the SQL is sent across. Sun is attempting to deal with this problem, and there may be some provisions made to correct this, either in later versions of JDBC or in a different standard. Another issue is that each vendor has additional helper classes specific to that vendor. For instance, PostgreSQL has extensions for geometric data types. Other vendors won't support these extensions; they are specific to PostgreSQL. If you use such vendor-specific classes, your program will not work with another JDBC database, despite using the JDBC "standard."[]