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Team B Project Dev Page 20103 - OOP344

1,473 bytes removed, 20:53, 15 December 2010
To Do
{{OOP344 Index | 20103}}
<p>'''Welcome to OOP344C = General Info =[[Team B's Project Development Page!'''</p>IRC Logs 20103 - OOP344 | Team B IRC meeting logs]]
The Project: [httpirc://zenit.senecac.on.cafreenode/wiki/index.php/Iolib_functions_20103_seneca-oop344 #seneca-_OOP344 Basic Input/Output Functionsoop344]
= Trunk Status =
* Last committed by: Oleg, December 15th @ 7:55pm
* Current status: Safe.
* Update info: Committed updated version of FWText into trunk/iol.7
=== Simple Functions (Platform dependent functions; conditional compilation) task distribution: ==Task Distribution =
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! First Name !! Last Name !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !! IRC nick !! Blog URL !! Tasks
|[[User:kmcdonald11 | Kaitlyn]]||McDonald||[ kmcdonald11]||[[Special:Contributions/kmcdonald11 |kmcdonald11]]||kmcdonald11||[ Kaitlyn's Blog]|| Improving simple functions and writing testmain for '''Linux''' Platform.
|[[User:jrobinson7 | James]]||Robinson||[ jrobinson7]||[[Special:Contributions/jrobinson7 | jrobinson7]]||jrobinson7||[ Jim's Seneca Blog]|| Improving simple functions and writing testmain for '''Windows Borland C++''' Platform.
|[[User:obogomaz | Oleg]]||Bogomaz||[ obogomaz]||[[Special:Contributions/obogomaz | obogomaz]]||obogomaz||[ Oleg's Seneca Blog]|| Improving simple functions and writing testmain for '''Windows Visual C++''' Platform.
=== Complex Functions (Platform independent functions) task distribution: =To Do ==* Debug Test5 and Test7
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpaddingTeam Tasks =="5"! First Name !! Last Name !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !! IRC nick !! Blog URL !! Tasks|-|[[User:kmcdonald11 | === Kaitlyn]]||McDonald||[ kmcdonald11]||[[Special:Contributions/kmcdonald11 |kmcdonald11]]||kmcdonald11||[ Kaitlyn's Blog]|| Working on functions: iol_displayMenuItem, int iol_menuItem, int iol_edit|-|[[User:jrobinson7 | James]]||Robinson||[ jrobinson7]||[[Special:Contributions/jrobinson7 | jrobinson7]]||jrobinson7||[ Jim's Seneca Blog]|| Working on functions: void iol_displayflag, int iol_flag, int iol_edit|-|[[User:obogomaz | Oleg]]||Bogomaz||[ obogomaz]||[[Special:Contributions/obogomaz | obogomaz]]||obogomaz||[ Oleg's Seneca Blog]|| Working on functions: int iol_edit|-=|}* Help test
=== James ===
* FWText
=== Oleg ===
* Help test
=== Functions still needed to be completed: Fardad===* Done
* None
==Progress = Suggested workload = * October 12 2010: Committed framework for project to trunk.* November 18 2010: Wiki updated. (James)* November 17 2010: Oleg is having problems with FWField function "bool FWField::editable() const"* November 23 2010: Set 3 IRC meetings, assigned further tasks* November 24 2010: Compilable version of current project in Kaitlyn's folder (by Fardad Soleimanlooeverything thus far)* November 25 2010: Oleg is still having troubles with FWDialog* November 26 2010: Kaitlyn submitted FWBorder, FWButton, FWLineEdit, and FWCheck to trunk. All compile, and ready to test.* November 30 2010: Passing t1, t2, and t3.* November 30 2010: ===Passing t1, t2, t3, and t4! Make sure to get the updates from trunk/iol.6* December 01 2010: t5's "popup windows" aren't drawing their border in the right spot, and t6's radio button needs attention.* December 01 2010: Made the below list of current bugs to help us all keep track of what needs looked at.* December 01 2010: Submitted version of 2nd assignment in tags/prj0.6* December 15 2010: Working on FWText and looking for pop up windows offset issue for Test5 and Test7
* The following are suggested task distribution between team members==Current Bugs==* Make a copy of the task distribution T5 and T7: Popup window(Exit and add it to your project page, so I know who have done what* When committing your work to svn, make sure comment the task you are working on* You can exchange tasks between yourselves but make sure you have the changes reflected in your task distribution on your project page* If anyone needs help doing their part, donHelp) isn't hesitate to give them hand displaying text in logic and coding and blog about the problem and how it was fixedright spot.* If someone neglects to do their work or doesn't do the work on time , distribute his/her tasks between others, T7: Enter and send an email to me immediatelybackspace need looking into. Those NOT doing the work will be fired from the group Down and up arrows have to do the project in a smaller scale alonesmall bug.* If there are questions to be clarified== Completed Tasks =====Simple Functions===<blockquote>James - Borland C++ <br />Oleg - Visual C++ <br />Kaitlyn - Linux</blockquote> ===Complex Functions===<blockquote>James - Wiki management, FWText, Debug<br />Oleg - FWField, FWLabel, FWDialog, book a meeting with me on IRC. (send me an email and put the time in IRC meetings table with (??) added to team name. I will put my Initials if the meeting is approved.Debug<br />* If you believe I have overlooked any task or partKaitlyn - FWBorder, FWLineEdit, FWButton, FWCheck, please add it here and I will take care of it:Debug<br />Fardad - FWValEdit</blockquote> = Notes =