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Team Blam

1,289 bytes added, 10:05, 7 October 2010
Initial version
We are going to have several objects:
A path object, which takes a row of buildings and generates a path in them.
[optional, can just be a list] A pathset object, which contains a set of paths
A building object, representing one building
A maze object, containing a two dimensional array of buildings
A ship object, representing the player's ship.
Our main method will flow as follows, at least in the text version:
The maze will use the set of path objects to generate a path through the maze
Then, loop until exit, doing the following:
Call the maze's draw function.
Call the maze's collision detection function, passing in our ship. (Maze's collision detection will check all of the buildings for collisions, using the ship's co-ordinates)(If a collision is detected, the Maze's collision detection will call the ship's collision function, which will move the ship back in such a way that it's no longer colliding (this could involve storing the previous move and undoing it, adding in any additional movement downwards because the screen has just scrolled down) and reduce your shields)
Call the ship's draw function
Wait for input from the player.
Give input to ship object, which will update position.
Call the maze's scroll function, which will scroll at the pre-set rate.
[ *How to write game proposal]