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PRO608A summer2010

345 bytes added, 22:09, 25 July 2010
Week 10
==Week 10==
'''Class 75'''PRO608a Summer- Class Project 1
Class Project 1- Work alone or in pairs.
Create a flash project that runs within a browser. It can be navigation, a game of some sort, interactive art, something that takes advantage of the graphic or interactive nature of flash.
* Server side code interaction
* XML or JSON driven content
Include a short explanation of what you are trying to achieve with your project, and what points of interest can be found in your code.
'''Class 6'''
Marking scheme for Class Project 1
40% - complexity of attempted functionality
30% - Functionality of code (does it work?)
10% - Appropriate use of flash abilities
20% - Elegance of code
==Week 11==