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Replacing Panels with Docking Station (awn)

579 bytes added, 09:51, 21 July 2010
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In order to run Awn make the following selections:
'''APPLICATIONS ''' -> '''ACCESSORIES ''' -> '''AWN Manager'''
The Preferences settings will appear. There are several settings categories, but we will start at Preferences.[[Image:awn2.png|thumb|550px|right ]]Here is a screen capture of are the main Preferences settings for reference:
[ html ]<ul> <li>'''Orientation''' (Top, Left, Right, Bottom placement of docking station)</li> <li>'''Style''' (appearance of docking station - I like "curved" with "Expand the Panel" selected)</li> <li>'''Behaviour''' (How docking station will behave with mouse over - I like "Intellihide")</li> <li>'''Autohide Mode''' (Fadeout, trasparency, or keep below)</li> <li>'''Icon Effects''' (How icon will act with mouse over - I like Zoom)</li></ul>
(NOTE: make certain to select YES at the “Start Awn automatically” option).