Updated with information about what functions are remaining
===David Perit===
* Moving all of the [iof_displayflag()] ===Unfinished=== * [iof_edit(): Left key]* [iof_edit(): Home and End Key]* [Test BCC platform independent functions out of the ]* [iof_edit(): Insert Key]* [Test VCC platfrom]* [iof_edit(): Corrections before editing]* [iof_edit(): All function key]* [iof_edit(): data entry, overstrike mode]* [Test Linux platform dependent sections of code.]* [iof_edit(): Escape key, including Undo (memory allocation and release in C (malloc() and free())]* [iof_edit(): Delete Key]* [iof_edit(): data entry, insert mode]* [Test Mac platform]* [Overall review before final release]