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Tracking Stop Button

1,737 bytes added, 13:01, 29 September 2006
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= Tracking The Stop Button =

One of most used features on the browser (other then the back button) is the stop button. It stops a page from loading and its really helpful if you are about to load a huge page. This page is created to show how clicking the Stop button calls a Stop() function dowing inside the dark depths of the Firefox core.

== Steps Taken ==

* I started off with the tooltip that is displayed when a user hovers over the Stop button. The tool tip shows the string "Stop loading this page". So I jumped into [ LXR] and started searching for this string.
* I found [ this page] that shows that the tooltip is part of an object called ''browse_stop''. This is all defined inside an XML document that defines the layout of the toolbar.
* Searching for ''browse_stop'', I found a bunch of documents using it. One of the linkes that jumped out at me was [ this one] which displays the javascript that handles the even of someone clicking on the stop button.
* Inside the OnBrowserStop function, there is a line that calls the [ Stop() function of an nsCOMPtr object]. So its save to conclude that the actual code that Stops the rendering of a page is located inside a COM Object.

== Comments ==

It is very hard to actually understand every single technology that Firefox uses but from just searching for a simple thing such as a Stop button, you can easily narrow the specific technologies that are un use by the stop button.