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Template:Planet Current Posts

43 bytes added, 14:11, 12 May 2010
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'''Note:''' Updates to this list are not taking place due to a recent MediaWiki update. Please refer to [ Planet CDOT] for current postings. * [ Armen Zambrano G. (armenzg)Michael Mullin: One more Fedora unit test suite visible (mochitest 4/5)CodeAssistor listed on the Scintilla Related Projects site]* [ Mashfique HaqueMichael Mullin: Presentations are done after solving photoshop issueCodeAssistor once again compiles against vanilla Scintilla-Cocoa]* [http://blogmikemoz.chrisblogspot.tylers.infocom/index.php?2010/archives05/234goto-line-Fedoraadded-Advisoryto-Boardcodeassistor.html Chris Tyler (ctyler)Michael Mullin: Fedora-Advisory-BoardGoto Line added to CodeAssistor]* [http://blogmikemoz.chrisblogspot.tylers.infocom/index.php?2010/archives05/233where-Networkdo-Storage-Loopback-ext3-oni-NFSfind-Reallycodeassistor.html Chris Tyler (ctyler)Michael Mullin: Network Storage: Loopback ext3 on NFS? ReallyWhere do I find CodeAssistor?]* [ Daniel HodginKezhong Liang: Processing.js 0.9 wrapup and reviewsEucalyptus cannot recover node automatically]* [ Gary Kwong (nth10sd)Matt Postill: NUS CS3108 (AY 09/10 Semester 2) Final Presentations on videoGetting Started]* [http://blogasalga.chriswordpress.tylers.infocom/2010/index.php?05/archives06/232-Senecasmoothing-and-thechanging-Fedorapoint-ARMsizes-Secondaryin-Architecture.html Chris Tyler webgl/ Andor Salga (ctylerasalga): Seneca Smoothing and the Fedora ARM Secondary Architecturechanging point sizes in WebGL]* [ Lukas Blakk (lsblakk)Scott Downe: I'm much less interesting now...thanks to FacebookProcessing.js casting bug]* [ Mashfique HaqueMichael Mullin: Presentation ProofsThe CodeAssistor released v0.0.1]* [ Ehren MetcalfeGrace Simon Batumbya: RTL level function removalGetting Started at CDOT]* [ Mickael Medel (aSydiK): Unfinished Business 0.8 ? 0.html Derek Ambrose: Should I really get the latest tip before I start work9 ?1.0]* [ Scott Downe: OSD600 is overBuilding Firefox on Fedora]* [ Anna Sobiepanek: sketch.processing.html Wei Tong: int main(int argc, char *argv[]);org]* [ Mo Hsiu MeiArmen Zambrano G. (armenzg): Review for OOP344Help finishing *all* Fedora oranges]* [http://kxu9vocamus.blogspot.comnet/2010dave/04/output.html Kai Xu?p=1084 David Humphrey: Output!View Source as Musical Innovation]* [http://blogmikemoz.bchaoblogspot.cacom/2010/04/gccscintilla-45cocoa-packagingbzr-stage-2and-semilaunchpad.html Boris ChaoMichael Mullin: GCC 4.5 Packaging - Stage 2 - Semi SuccessfullScintilla Cocoa Bzr and Launchpad]