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Winter 2010 Presentations/Storage Performance

180 bytes removed, 20:11, 20 April 2010
What happened while you worked on the problem? You had multiple iterations -- what happened at each milestone? Did you go down the wrong path and have to start over? What barriers did you encounter?
The process was simple, find a storage solution that would result in the best build times while using the most efficient use of the storage resources available to us.
The main issue encountered was finding a repeatable benchmarking solution what would give the desired results while being able to test all 3 of our storage mediums. Common Linux tools such as the DD command and HDPARM commands are capable of doing disk benchmarking, but will only work of real for physical devices and not network file systemsnetworked ones.
The solution was Bonnie++, a Linux command line utility which gives an extensive amount amount of storage performance information while also having the ability to test all of our storage systems.