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OPS235 Lab 8 - Fedora17

1,159 bytes added, 17:57, 24 March 2010
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{{Admon/note | Note! | dhcpd records address leases in this file. If the service is restarted it reads in the file to know which addresses are currently leased and for how long.}}
* On the client fedora2 check the contents of the<code>/var/lib/dhclient</code> directory. The files in this directory is where the dhclient stores its record of leases.
* Answer the Investigation 6 question in your log book.
=== Investigation 7: How can lease the same address every time? ===
{{Admon/note | Note! | Complete the following steps on your fedora2 and fedora3 VM's.}}
{{Admon/note | Note! | Even though DHCP gives out IP address dynamically, it also has the ability to reserve an IP address for a certain computer. In this sense it's almost as if the client computer has a static IP even though it uses DHCP to get it. This is useful if you want to be able to put entries in your /etc/hosts file and not have to worry about the entry becoming invalid over time. In Linux we refer to this as supplying a fixed address to a host. Microsoft calls it a reservation.}}
* Create a host declaration for fedora2. Make sure you record the correct <code>hardware ethernet</code> setting that corresponds to the MAC address of the interface in fedora2.
* Give it the fixed-address
{{Admon/tip | Note! | When supplying fixed-address it is important that the address assigned is exclusive of any ranges that have been declared. Otherwise it may be possible for 2 different hosts to receive the same address.}}