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Template:Planet Current Posts

324 bytes added, 14:11, 12 May 2010
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* [http'''Note://dhodgin''' Updates to this list are not taking place due to a recent MediaWiki Daniel Hodgin: The first pieces of PImage]* Please refer to [http://aryafarzanzenit.senecac.wordpresson.comca/2010/03/19~chris.tyler/51planet/ Arya Farzan: C++ Reference OperatorPlanet CDOT]for current postings. * [ Andor Salga (asalga)scintilla.html Michael Mullin: Compensating for WebGL readPixels() Implementation InconsistenciesCodeAssistor listed on the Scintilla Related Projects site]* [ Roger Dickecodeassistor-once-again-compiles.html Michael Mullin: enderstruthCodeAssistor once again compiles against vanilla Scintilla-Cocoa]* [ Dachuan Huangcodeassistor.html Michael Mullin: Mar18 Chanllenge prnBits functionGoto Line added to CodeAssistor]* [ Shengwei WangMichael Mullin: OOP344 Challenge on March 18thWhere do I find CodeAssistor?]* [ Zhibin Huangautomatically/ Kezhong Liang: 3D text on HTML5 continueEucalyptus cannot recover node automatically]* [ Harjinder Virdi: Bespin Word WrapMatt Postill: Bug #542524Getting Started]* [ Konstantin NovichikhinAndor Salga (asalga): Cross-compiling Firefox for Windows on LinuxSmoothing and changing point sizes in WebGL]* [ Carolyn WoodleyScott Downe: CastingProcessing.js casting bug]* [http://wwwmikemoz.c3dlblogspot.orgcom/index.php2010/c3dl-dev05/oncodeassistor-thereleased-train-tov001.html Michael Mullin: The CodeAssistor released v0.0.1]* [ Seneca Canvas3D TeamGrace Simon Batumbya: On the train to MountainviewGetting Started at CDOT]* [ Aleh Pliats0/ Mickael Medel (aSydiK): Skype, Google talkUnfinished Business 0.8 ? 0.9 ? 1. and Microphone? Not necessary:-)0]* [ Dmitriy RozhkovScott Downe: Students' home pages are not searchableBuilding Firefox on Fedora]* [ Anna Sobiepanek: sketch.processing.html Derek Ambrose: Week 8org]* [ Scott DowneArmen Zambrano G. (armenzg): Help finishing *all* Fedora oranges]* [ David Humphrey: Quick little fixView Source as Musical Innovation]* [ Minoo Ziaeilaunchpad.html Michael Mullin: SVN in Visual StudioScintilla Cocoa Bzr and Launchpad]