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OPS235 Lab 6 - Fedora17

673 bytes added, 14:54, 2 March 2010
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# Answer the Investigation 1 question in your lab log book.
=== Investigation 2: How do you create configure a new virtual static networkusing <code>system-config-network</code>. ===
{{Admon/note | Note! | Complete this investigation on your fedora2 VM.}}
# Start fedora2 VM and login
# On your fedora host run <code>ifconfig</code> and make note of the IP address assigned to the <code>virbr1</code> interface. This will be your default gateway for your Vm's.# To configure anew interface on fedora2 go to System->Administration->Network and click on the "New" button# Select Ethernet Device and choose the network card named <code>eth1</code> # Statically set the IP configuration:#* IP Address* Subnet Mask* Default Gateway (The IP address of <code>virbr1</code> on your fedora host.)# Save then Quit# Restart your network on fedora2. <code>service NetworkManager restart</code>