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1 byte added, 17:05, 11 January 2010
Supplies Checklist
#* - Seneca's mirror of the Fedora project. This is very fast, but is only accessible from within Seneca's network (you can't access this from home).
#* - Accessible from any Internet connection.
# SATA Hard disk (at least 80 GB) in removable drive tray. Please buy the tray from ACS or the bookstore as not all trays are compatible.
# USB flash drive (64 MB or more - warning: anything on this will be erased!)
# [ Lab log book (print out this PDF)]. Please note that you can use your log book during the quizzes, written tests, practical tests and the final exam. It's also the record that you have completed the labs, so don't lose it!
Needed for week 2:
# SATA Hard disk (at least 80 GB) in removable drive tray. Please buy the tray from ACS or the bookstore as not all trays are compatible.
# Fedora 12 installation DVD (x86_64) You can burn this from ISO image on the Freedom Toaster in the Open Lab. The image is also available from:
#* - Seneca's mirror of the Fedora project. This is very fast, but is only accessible from within Seneca's network (you can't access this from home).