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OPS235 Lab 1 - Fedora17

830 bytes added, 16:04, 8 January 2010
Investigation 4 - How do you create hard disk partitions?
* Review the man page for the fdisk command.
{{Admon/caution | Important/warning! | The following operation will erase the contents of your hard disk. If you have any useful data stored on your disk, you must back it up first or use another hard disk that does not contain useful data on it. |Do not plan on sharing the hard disk with the Windows course! You will be doing lots of tasks that may cause you to lose your data.}}# Enter the command fdisk /dev/sda to start the hard disk partition program.# At the fdisk command prompt, enter the letter p to print out the current partition table of the hard disk. If there are any partitions, use the d option to delete all of them, starting with the hightest partition number first.# At the fdisk command prompt, use the n and t commands to create these three partitions: #* /dev/sda1 - 300MB (primary, Linux Native) #* /dev/sda2 - the rest of the hard disk (extended) #* /dev/sda5 - 300MB (logical, Linux Native) # Use the p option the display the new partition and record it in your log book.# Remember to use the w option to write the new partitons information instead of the q option to quit without saving.# Logout and restart Fedora.
=== Completing the Lab ===