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Asking For Help

933 bytes added, 20:19, 31 March 2010
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== Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help ==
Usually, it is a good idea to back-up any important information on your computer as a precaution prior to the Linux install...
== In-class Linux Installs ==
There are a number of computer professors (including myself) that encourage students to bring their notebook or desktop computers to college to install Linux on their computers before, during or after scheduled classes. Therefore, don't hesitate to ask a computer instructor if they could help install Linux on your computer system - the very worst that they will say is "NO".
== Computer Clubs ==
There are a number of computer clubs at Seneca College:
* Linux Club ([])
* Windows Club ([])
Usually these type of clubs encourage students to learn additional content that is NOT provided during regular class instruction. Therefore, a club would be a great place to install an operating system (with assistance), and learn about how to use that operating system...