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Ubuntu Guide

403 bytes added, 10:24, 29 December 2009
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:* '''torcs''' (3D Driving Simulator)
:* '''FretsonFire''' (Guitar Hero Clone)
:* '''Freetennis''' (Tennis game)
==== Internet ====
:* '''FireFox''' (Web Browser)
:* '''SkypeEkiga''' (Video Conferencing):* '''Skype''' (Telephony)
:* '''amessenger''' (MSN Messenger for Linux)
:* '''galaxium''' (communicate using different networks at the same time - many protocol supported)
:* '''VNC Server / VNC Viewer''' (Remote Graphical Connection)
:* '''IRCXchat-gnome''' (Text-based chats- IRC)
:* '''gftp''' (Transfer File Between Computer Systems)
:* '''apache2''' (Web Server)
:* '''ktorrent''' (BitTorrent download client)
:* '''Samba''' (cross-platform file and printer sharing with Microsoft Windows, OS X, and other Unix systems)
:* '''FretsonFire''' (Guitar Hero Clone)
==== Education ====