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OOP344 Team Funktion

997 bytes added, 11:07, 4 January 2010
Scheduled Meetings
[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]] - [[OOP344 Assignment Two]] - [[OOP344 IRC Schedules 20093|OOP344 IRC Schedules]]<br />
=Team FunktionSVN=SVN: ops344_093a14
=Upcoming Schedule=
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Last Name !! First Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! SVN Repo ID !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Phone Number
| Austerberry ||Eric||erausterberry|| C || ops344_093svn143 || [ Eric's Blog]|| ericausterberry || -
| Chan || Anton || canton || A || ops344_093svn142 || [ AC's Blog] || canton || (647) 887-3539
| Cho || Ahreum || acho14 || A || ops344_093svn141 || [ Arum's Blog] || acho14 || -
| Gorscak || Ljubomir || gljubomir || A || ops344_093svn146 || [ Ljubomir's Blog] || ljubo || (647) 328-4807
| Li || Verity || vzli || B || ops344_093svn148 || [ Verity's Blog] || cubicu || -
| Pezeshki || Neda || npezeshki || C || ops344_093svn147 || [ Neda's Blog] || neda || -
| Piltz || Jonathan || jmpiltz ||C || ops344_093svn145 || [ Jon's Blog] || Mr_88 || (416) 738-9256
| So || Hyunju || hso3 || A || ops344_093svn144 || [ Hyunju's Blog] || hso3 || -
=Scheduled Meetings=
Anton and Ljubo are meeting at Seneca@York library around 12:00.
'''Final Week of school for this semester'''
Please indicate all the times that you are available to work on as2, and if you will be at '''school ''' or '''online'''. If two or more people are available at the same time, it may be good to book a private study room.
[ Room Bookings]
* Remember to select Seneca@York campus
Also, please use the user.txt files '''IN THE TRUNK''' to indicate what you have done, even if you your work is posted in another folder. If something is not updating proper, send the team an email.
This is going to be a real challenge to coordinate and execute because of so many involved. Communication is the key!
! IRC Nick !! Monday !! Tuesday !! Wednesday !! Thursday !! Friday
| ericausterberry || - busy with exams || - After 16:30 at school || - All day whereever needed || - ditto || - ditto
| canton || - || - || - || - || -
| acho14 || - || - || - || - || -
| ljubo || Library 10:00 Online - 19:00 All day || Library 09:00 - 11:00 and 17:00 - 20:00 || Library 10:00 - 1715:00 || Library 10:00 - 18:00 || -
| cubicu || - || - || - Online || 14:00 - indefinitely || - all day
| neda || - || - After 16:00 || - || - 12:30 || -
| Mr_88 || - || - 16:30 onwards || - all day || - all day || - all day
| hso3 || - || - || - || - || -
| fardad || - || - || - || [ IRC Meeting - 14:00] || -
 '''ljubo: ''' I booked room# 1135 in the library on Tuesday starting at 17:10 until 19:00 (maybe someone can book after 19:00 if we continue later?). I'm going to look into getting a projector so that it will be easy to look at the same code without squinting at the tiny screen (no promises though). '''Mr_88:''' If anyone wants to work on the assignment in person, send me an e-mail, else I probably won't show. '''ljubo:''' I may not be able to work the entire time indicated. For example, on Monday I plan to study for DBS301 a lot during the day. I put those times so that if more people want to work at the same times, I will adjust my plans to make myself available.