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59 bytes removed, 17:56, 19 December 2009
Project Process
| IO_Field ||Xiaozhe || Nov 25 || Done
| IO_Form || Zhaolong || Nov 25 || -Done
| IO_Frame || Dong || Nov 25 || Done
| IO_Vedit || Keyan || Nov 25 || Done
| IO_CheckList || Fardad (bug fixed) || - || Done
| IO_Menu || Fardad (bug fixed) || - || Done
| IO_TextEditor || Feihong / Xiaozhe || Nov 25 || Done
| Main || Suwon || Nov 25 || -
==Meeting Schedule==
1. '''Congratulations! Good job everyone!''' Our version is finally working after all of us have worked hard for this project.
2. We will have a meeting this week at 9 pm Fri.(Dec 4)
3. The final due date is Dec 8.
4. '''Good luck''' on your tests, quiz, and final exam.
==Project Suggestions==
''' 5. Eliminate warnings as many as possible.'''
==LOGProject Process======dsun17==== 1. Oct 29, 2009 22:26 -- I've got a draft of IO_Label class done, I will make it more efficient and do some corrections later. 2. Oct 29, 2009 22:46 -- Comment some unnecessary codes in io_label.h 3. Nov 01, 2009 22:19 -- I commited all the required classes for our project to our repo and added them to PRJ.vcproj, but some of them only have an empty constructor, so you guys can change them according to the coming descriptions.(make sure it's buildable) 4. Nov 05, 2009 19:03 -- I put more define statements in io_def.h file. 5. Nov 05, 2009 21:30 -- I added IO_Vedit class to our project, and I finished the two constructors. 6. Nov 08, 2009 00:55 -- Update io_def.h 7. Nov 10, 2009 21:30 -- I finished several functions in IO_Frame class, and did some changes in IO_Form. 8. Nov 11, 2009 20:01 -- I removed io_menubar from our project. Also, copy io_checklist from the notes, and commit to our project. 9. Nov 11, 2009 20:15 -- Add two functions, getOwnerTop and getOwnerLeft, to io_field, and change one function, set(int top, int left) --> set(int top, int left, int width, int height), in io_frame. 10. Nov 11, 2009 21:45 -- Finished io_frame class, but there is still a bug. And change prjmain to test io_frame. 11. Nov 12, 2009 23:00 -- Removed io_radio from our project, and add io_node to it. 12. Nov 12, 2009 23:08 -- Completed IO_Node class. 13. Nov 13, 2009 00:41 -- Completed the draft of IO_Edit class
141. Nov 14Oct 23, 2009 23:23 -- Fixed We start doing our project, and everyone is assigned a bug in ciolclass to work on.c
152. Nov 19Oct 27, 2009 20:02 -- Add a function called void displayOwner(void)const into IO_Field The first IRC class.We post ciol.h and ciol.cpp on our repo, then, Fardad write prjmain.cpp for us
163. Nov 22Oct 30, 2009 15:47 -- Write a test main to test io_menu (both Vertical and Horizontal). Group meeting
174. Nov 2406, 2009 22:12 -- Add two functions (getWidth and getHeight) into IO_Frame.Group meeting
185.Nov 13, 2009 -- Group meeting
====fxiong1====6. Nov 14, 2009 -- All the classes were finished. Fixing bugs after putting all the classes and sample main together.
====kren1====7. Nov 20, 2009 -- Group meeting
====suwon====8. Nov 25, 2009 -- Group meeting
====xshi18==== ====zlzhu==== ==Meeting Schedule==1. We will have two meetings this week at 9 pm on Wed.(Nov 25) and Fri.(Nov 27) 2. We need to make our project at least work before Nov 28. 3. The final due date changed to Dec 8., 2009 -- Group meeting
10. Nov 30, 2009 -- Our project works very well. Waiting the final version of main to be posted.
== Meeting Minutes ==
All the classes will be done by Wed. (Nov 25)
IO_vedit has be been submitted.
Feihong is working on texteditor.
An is working on main.
'''6. Nov 25, 2009'''
Time: 9 to 10 pm
Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe, Zhaolong
IO_textedit has been submitted.
IO_form has been submitted.
All classes are uploaded on svn.
The next stage is to eliminate bugs.
'''7.Nov 27, 2009'''
Time: 9 to 10 pm
Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe, Zhaolong
All classes are done. We discussed some functions in IO_Form. After we had compiled all the classes with main, there were some problems in IO_Form::edit(), IO_edit, and IO_label. Frank will send an email to Fardad and describe the problems.
'''8.Dec 04, 2009'''
Time: 9 to 10:30 pm
Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe
Frank found a bug in our project. bug: when you type in a invalid date and press down key, it should show the error message and stop at the field, but it actually jumps to the next field. The bug may hide in Form class.
we start a new project. An will write a Vedio shop Main function, so we can test our classes on the new project main function.