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3,345 bytes added, 13:55, 20 November 2009
5.2 Channel #OOP344
[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]] - [[OOP344 Assignment Two]] - [[OOP344 IRC Schedules 20093 |OOP344 IRC Schedules]]<br />
= 1.0 Project Overview =
== 1.1 Project Description ==
The purpose of this project is to build a working command line text editor. It will be built from the ground up with an open source mentality using C/C++. We will be using an SVN repository in order to keep all of our files updated and organized, and to keep overwriting errors to a minimum. Our wiki page will also spell out our direction and any other information needed.
== 1.2 Class Overview ==
This is incomplete!
= 2.0 Participants =
== 2.1 Group Contacts ==
=== Chi-Lea Tran ===
Email: []
== 2.2 Group Members == === Yong Hong === IRC Username: Yong_Clicker Section: B Blog: Email: [[OOP344]]  === Chi- Lea Tran === IRC Username: ctran13 Section: C Blog: Email: [] === Victor Tran === IRC Username: victran Section: C Blog: Email: [OOP344 Student Cong Wang === IRC Username: cwang84 Section: B Blog: Email: []  === Yong Xue === IRC Username: yxue11 Section: C Blog: http://opp344- Email: [[OOP344 Teams]]  == 2.3 Current responsiblities == === Yong Hong === IO_Form, IO_Frame, IO_Field === Chi-Lea Tran === IO_TextEdit === Victor Tran === IO_CheckList ===Cong Wang === IO_Menu === Yong Xue === IO_Edit, IO_Vedit = 3.0 SVN = == 3.1 Repository == svn://  == 3.2 Logins == Yong Hong: ops344_093svn65 Chi-Lea Tran: ops344_093svn61 Victor Tran: ops344_093svn63 Cong Wang: ops344_093svn68 Yong Xue: ops344_093svn67 = 4.0 Conventions and Styles = == 4.1 File headings == Each file with the extension of *.cpp, *.c, and *.h must include a comment heading stating the file name, author (and username), date created, last modified date, and description of what the file does. The description should be clear and concise. This must be enclosed using /* and */. For example:  <pre>/* * File Name: example.cpp * Author: Victor Tran (victran) * Create Date: 27-Oct-09 * Last Modified Date: 11- [[OOP344 Assignment One]] Nov- [[OOP344 Assignment Two]] 09 * Description: blah blah blah */</pre> == 4.2 Function Comments == Each function should include a comment above the function similar to the file heading (4.1), except only including the function name and a description of what the function does. For example: <pre>/* * Function Name: FunctionName * Description: Blah blah blah. */int FunctionName(){  code; }</pre> == 4.3 Inline Comments == Inline comments should be used to clarify what exactly something is doing, or to leave a note for yourself or others regarding the code in that general area. Please use inline comments wherever the code might be confusing for others to understand. == 4.4 Indent level == All documents must have indentation when writing code in a code block. The indent level in any case will consist of two spaces. There will be no tab use. For example:<pre>int someFunction{  code;  more code; }</pre> == 4.5 Curly Bracket Use == Use of { } in a code block, such as in an if statement, a for loop, should start on a new line, with the { } lined up with the first character of the line above it. If the code block only has one coded line for the result, please use the curly brackets anyways for readability’s sake. For example: <pre>if ( mapleLeafs == lose){  fans- [[OOP344 IRC Schedules 20093 |OOP344 IRC Schedules]]>getAngry(); }</pre> == 4.6 Variable Naming Conventions == Variables should follow regular programming conventions ( must start with lowercase letter, no symbols…). Variables should be descriptive for better understanding of it’s For example:<pre>int someVar;</pre> If the variable is a private or protected variable, use an _ before the variable name to differentiate from a public variable. For example:  <pre> int _someVar; </pre> == 4.7 Function Naming Conventions == Function names should start with a lower letter. For example: <pre>int someFunction(){ code;}<br /pre= 5.0 IRC Chatlogs = == 5.1 Channel ##ASOS ==
October 27 -<br />
November 11 -
[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]] - [[OOP344 Assignment Two]] - [[OOP344 IRC Schedules 20093 |OOP344 IRC Schedules]]<br />*incomplete
== ASOS Brigade ==SVN: ops344_093a06{| border5.2 Channel #OOP344 ="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ [[ ASOS Brigade| ASOS Brigade]]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task !! SVN ID|November 11 -| Zhang || Shun Yao || syzhang4 || C || [ MY Blog] || DownWind || IO_MenuBar ||64|-| Hong || Yong || yhong17 || B || [ xDerick' Blog] || Yong_Clicker || IO_Form, IO_Frame, IO_Field || 65|-| Kim || Taehoon || tkim28 || B || [http://hoonkoonsenecac.blogspoton.comca/ Blog] || hoongoon || IO_Radio || 66|-| Chen || Wen Fang || wfchen || C || [ Gwen's Blog] || Gwen2009 || IO_Label || 62|-| Xue || Yong || yxue11 || C || [ Blog] || yxue11 || IO_Edit,IO_Vedit|| 67|-| Tran || Chi-Lea || ~ctran13 || C || [http:/logfile/ Nitty Gritty] || ctran13 || ciol.c, IO_TextEdit|| 61|seneca-| Tran || Victor || vvtran || C || [ Blog?] || victran || IO_CheckList || 63|-| Wang || Cong || cwang84 || B || [http:log<br // Blog] || cwang84 || IO_Menu || 68|-! Contact: !! - !! - !! - !! - !! - !! - !! -|-| Tran || Chi-Lea || - || - || - || - || - || -|-| Chen || Wen Fang || - || - || -|| - || -|| -|-|}>