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Teams OOP344 - 20101

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[[[{{OOP344]] Index - [[OOP344 Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams]] - [[OOP344 Assignment One]]<br />20101}}
== All Are Welcome ==Use the template below to add your team information to this page. <br />
''' Who are After adding your contact people? '''{| border="1" cellpadding="5"team information to this page, create a separate page for your team, make sure the page starts with oop344 (i.e. OOP344 - My Team)
== [[IRC Schedules OOP344|+ [ Team's websiteIRC Meeting Schedule]]==
! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Dawson || Michael || mgdawson || C || - || - || -|-| Sone || Adam || alsone || A || * [ Adam's Blog] || alsone ||-|-| Angus || Corey || caangus || C || [ Corey's Blog] IRC Schedules OOP344|| - ||-|-| Mok || Geoffrey || gmok|| B || [ Blog] || gmok || -|-| Pereira || Christopher || capereir || A || [ Chris' BlogHere] || Cribby ||-|-| Chen || David || jchen171 || B || [ David' Blog] || Qinzhi ||-|-are the IRC Schedules, make sure you have at least one booked per week
|}== The Coders ==
==Team Funktion=={[[The Coders - OOP344 | border="1" cellpadding="5"The Coders Wiki Page]]
|+ [httpSVN:// Team Funktion's Website]! Last Name !! First Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Austerberry ||Eric||erausterberry|| C || [ Eric's Blog]|| ericausterberry || -|-| Chan || Anton || canton || A || [ AC's Blog] || canton || -|-| Cho || Ahreum || acho14 || A || [ Arum's Blog] || acho14 || -|-| Gorscak || Ljubomir || gljubomir || A || [ Ljubomir's Blog] || ljubo ||-|-| Li || Verity || vzli || B || [ Verity's Blog] || cubicu ||-|-| Pezeshki || Neda || npezeshki || C || [ Neda's Blog] || neda ||-|-| Piltz || Jonathan || jmpiltz ||C || [ Jon's Blog] || Mr_88 || -|-| So || Hyunju || hso3 || A || [ Hyunju's Blog] || hso3 ||-|-! Contact Persons: !!- !!- !!- !!- !!- !!-|-| Ljubomir Gorscak ||-||-||-||-||-||-|-| 2nd Person ||-||-||-||-||-||-|-|}oop344_101rep7
== A Team #2== {| border="1" cellpadding="5" |+ [[OOP344 Group 2 | Team's website]]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Ahmed || Szymon || sahmed82 || A || [ Blog] || szymonPL || -|-| Cucereavii || Diana || dcucereavii || A || - || - || -|-| Ecob || Sergiu || saecob || A || - || - || -|-| Ferrara || Brandon || bferrara || B || [] || BrandonFerrara || -|-| Rozhkov || Dmitriy || drozhkov || A || [ Blog] || revg || -|-| Semionova || Anastasia || asemionova1 || A || [ Blog] || Anastas1a || -|-| Tychshenko || Dmitriy || dtychshenko || A || [ Blog] || Dmitriy_T || -|-!Contact Persons:!! - !! - !! - !! - !! - !! -|-! Anastasia Semionova !! - !! - !! - !! - !! - !! -|-!Dmitriy Rozhkov !! - !! - !! - !! - !! - !! -|- |} == ASOS Brigade =={| border="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ [[ ASOS Brigade| ASOS Brigade]]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Zhang || Shun Yao || syzhang4 || C || [ MY Blog] || DownWind || - |-| Hong || Yong || yhong17 || B || [ xDerick' Blog] || Yong_Clicker || -|-| Kim || Taehoon || tkim28 || B || [ Blog] || hoongoon || -|A Team -| Chen OOP344 || Wen Fang || wfchen || C || [ Gwen's BlogA Team Wiki Page] || Gwen2009 || -|-| Xue || Yong || yxue11 || C || [ Blog] || yxue11 || -|-| Tran || Chi-Lea || ctran13 || C || [ Nitty Gritty] || ctran13 || - |-| Tran || Victor || vvtran || C || [ Blog?] || victran || - |-| Wang || Cong || cwang84 || B || [ Blog] || cwang84 || - |-! Contact: !! - !! - !! - !! - !! - !! -|-| Tran || Chi-Lea || - || - || - || - || - |-| Chen || Wen Fang || - || - || -|| - || -|-|}
== Team #3==SVN: oop344_101rep2
''' Who are your contact people? '''{| border="1" cellpadding="5"Code Junkies ==
|+ [[ OOP344 Group3 | Team's webpage]]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Shi || Xiaozhe || xshi18 || A || [ Blog] || Lucy_ || -|-| An || Suwon || san || C || [ Blog] || mercedes13 || - |-| Ren || Keyan || kren1 || C || [ Blog] || Rocky413 || - |-| Sun || Dong || dsun17 || C || [ Blog] || frank123 || -|-| Wang || ChunXia || cxwang || C || [ Blog] || cxatseneca || Code Junkies - |-| Xiong || Feihong || fxiong1 || B || [ Blog] || fxiong1 || -|-| Zhu || Zhaolong || zlzhu || A || [ Blog] || zlzhu || - |-| Horn || David || dhorn1 || B || [ Blog] || F1Z || -|-|} == Team Hasselhoff== Your team has less than four members. Check your email and decide what you want to do by end of today- Fardad{| border="1" cellpadding="5" |+ [[ - | - ]]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Daniels || Matthew || mddaniels || B || - || - || - |-| Desautels || Carl || cwdesautels || A || [ Blog] || [Carl89] || - |-| Selby || Remington || rselby || B || [ Blog] || rselby || -|-| Young || Oliver || oyoung4 || C ||[ Oliver's Blog] || oyoung4 || - |-| Seow || Yip Lim || ylseow || C || [ Yip's Blog] || YupYipYo || -|-| Simmalavong || Niki || nsimmalavong || C || [ Niki's Blog] || nsimmalavong ||- |} == Team ++ ==''' Who are your contact people? '''{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5" |+ [ Team's website]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Alexander || Ryan || rjalexander || B || [ Blog] || tdot || - |-| Atijas || Sasha || satijas || A || [ Blog] || Sash040 || - |-| Catibog || Timothy || tjcatibog || C || [ Blog] || tjcatibog || - |-| Chau || Sunny || schau5 || C || [ Blog] || ScsC || - |-| Papagiannidis || Denny || dpapagia || A || [ Denny's Blog] || dennyp || - |-| Tessema || Iyosias || istessema || B || [ Blog] || iyosias || - |-| <b>Contact People</b> || - |-| Sasha Atijas || - |-| Ryan Alexander || - |-|} == BITE ==''' Who are your contact people? ''' [[OOP344 BITE | BITE]] {| border="1" cellpadding="5" ! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| DeCairos || Chris || cadecairos || C || || ninethreenine || - |-| Dell || Eric || eadell || C || [ Blog] || docsage || - |-| Hackwood || Tyler || tjhackwood || C || [ BlogCode Junkies] || Auzix || - |-| Robertson || Justin || jrobertson4 || C || [ Justin's Blog] || Corazu || -  |-| Smith || Brandon || bsmith19 || C || [ Blog] || TNinjas || - |} == Team Temporary Name == ==== Group Contact: [[northWind87]] aka 'Hasan K' ======== Group Contact #2: Joseph Hughes ==== {| border="1" cellpadding="5" |+ [[OOP344_Temporary | Temporary website]]! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Butnaru || Stefan || sbutnaru || B || - || - || -|-| Hughes || Joseph || jphughes || B || [ Cloudscorpion's Blog] || CloudScorpion || -|-| Johnson || Ausley || aljohnson1 || B || [ My Blog] || Ausley_Johnson || -|-| Kamal-Al-Deen || Hasan || hkamal-al-deen || B || [ The Orbital Station] || northWind87 || -|-| Sandhu || Charanjit || cssandhu || B || [ Blog] || Charanjit|| - |} == A Team ==
''' Who are your contact people? '''SVN: oop344_101rep3
[[A Team]]{| border="1" cellpadding="5"! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Chen|| Terence|| tjchen || A || [ T. Chen's blog] || - || - |-| Lim|| Keegan|| klim4 || A || [ Blog] || klim4 || - |-| Alston|| Shawn|| saalston || A || - || saalston || - |-| Duan || Haoliang || hduan2 || A || [ Blog] || rick_duan || -|-| Wang || Yu || ywang268 || A || [ learn more] || - || - |-| Xu || Kai || kxu9 || A || [ Kai's Blog] || kxu9 || -|-| Tong || Wei || wtong1 || A || [ Blog] || - || -|-|}Mighty Morphin Coding Rangers ==
== West Side Connection ==[[Team Mighty Morphin Coding Rangers - OOP344 | Team Coding Rangers Wiki Page]]
''' Who are your contact people? '''SVN: oop344_101rep4
{| border="1" cellpadding="5"!YOU ==
[[Team !YOU - OOP344 |+ [ Team's website!YOU Wiki Page]]
! Last Name !! Name !! Seneca Username !! Section !! Blog Url !! IRC Nick !! Current Task|-| Rawn || Travis (Contact) || tdrawn || C ||[httpSVN:// Travis's Blog] || BigBirdy || -oop344_101rep5
|-| Kumarshellah || Armin || Akumarshellah || C || [ Armin's Blog] || Ak_oop3447 || -|-| Parreno || Brian || bmparren || C || [ Brian's Blog] || bmparren ||-== Team Team ==
|[[Team Team -OOP344 | Tsuji || Trevor || ttsuji1 || C || [ Trevor's BlogTeam "Team" Wiki Page]] || farva || -
|-|}SVN: oop344_101rep6