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3,749 bytes added, 11:16, 21 April 2009
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= '''Davoud Salahi Rad''' =
<table border="0" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td>
<div style="background: #ffff99; text-align: center">''' About '''</div>
{| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="vertical-align:top; background:#faf5ff; color:#000; width:100%"
! <h2 id="mp-tfp-h2" style="margin:0; background:#0099ff; font-size:150%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #afa3bf; text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.3em 0.4em">About</h2>
[''It's weird to write in 3rd person, when I'm the one writing about myself!!! :) So I will write in 1st person...'']
I'm 28 y.o. and in the 8th semester of the <table border="0" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td><div style="background: #ffff99; text-align: left"> [ '''BSD'''] program at Senecastudent; graduating '''Winter 2009'''. <br/div></td></tr></table>
I have received Received '''A and A+ in 30 courses out of 37 [ courses''' taken so far]. My '''; current cumulative GPA''' is ''': 3.82''' and I have out of 4, been on the '''President’s Honour List''' for outstanding academic achievement '''3 times''' - once every year since I started at Seneca - 2006, 2007 and 2008.
More about me and address to my blog: [ '''''[]''''']
<!-- = '''Project''' = -->
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== '''Week 1''' ==
*Created Accounts:
** [ Zenit Wiki]** [ Blog]** [ Bugzilla]** [ IRC]*Created personal [ wiki page]*Added link to [ /index.php/People People's page]*Added links to [ Winter 2009 Students 's page]*Added blog feed to [ Planet List] 
** Cathedral and Bazaar
** Revolution OS
** [ Eclipse WTP - procedure]** [ Eclipse WTP Overview]
*Installed Eclipse WTP and PlugIn
*Familiarized myself with the environment
*Tried a [ minor] fix enhancement to get hands-on experience with Eclipse WTP bug fixing - adding date , example from [ tutorial]
** [ Java EE Overview] - Developing Enterprise Applications** [ Eclipse Webtools Architecture Overview]
== '''Week 3''' ==
*Tried reproducing Bug [ 173912]*Went over the *[ list of prescribed WTP bugs ] and picked some!! :)*Looked over [ suggested readings on the course weekly sched]:**[ Eclipse Plugin]**[ WTP Server Tools API Concepts]*Published [ list of bugs being considered]
*'''0.1 Release ''' - ''Reproduced bug''
*Browsed Eclipse web pages:**[ Eclipse Source Repositories]**[ WTP Servertools]**[ WTP Project Development]**[ Eclipse Documentation]
== '''Week 5''' ==
*[ OpenSeminar Tutorials]*[ Getting Started Using Eclipse]*[ Practice the Eclipse Debugger]
== '''Week 6''' ==
*Browse over [ Eclipse WTP Wiki]*[ Building Eclipse Enterprise Application Tutorial]*Attended presentation by Angel Vera
== '''Week 7''' ==
*Attended presentation by Lawrence Mandel*[ Eclipse Plugin Development Tutorial]
== '''Week 8''' ==
*[ Comparing Eclipse - NetBeans]
== '''Week 9''' ==
*[ Web Persistence with JPA]
== '''Week 10''' ==
*Verified bug and fixes using [ latest build: M6]
== '''Week 12''' ==
*0.3 Release: Presentation and update bug fix on Bugzilla 
== '''Week 13''' ==
*0.2 Release: Blog and Wiki update with bug fix description and how-to
*[ List of WTP Bugs]
*[ Eclipse WebTools NewsPortal]