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No change in size, 18:51, 1 March 2009
Check out WTP Source Code in CVS Repository
==Check out WTP Source Code in CVS Repository==
# * Go to '''<Eclipse_Base>''' directory and start the plug-in development environment.
# * Access the source code for the Eclipse Web Tools Platform from the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) repository. To access the CVS repository select:
::'''Window > Open Perspective > Other and select CVS Repository Exploring'''
# * The ''CVS Repositories'' view is now on the left side of your screen. Select the ''Add CVS Repository'' icon [[Image:Addrepositoryicon.gif]] or right click on the ''CVS Repositories'' view and click '''New > Repository Location'''.
# * In the '''Add CVS Repository''' dialog enter the following values and click on Finish:
:Host: <font color="red"></font>