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OOo Issues

59 bytes added, 16:07, 11 May 2009
OOo Category
::: 6/ Crashes''
# * '''Provide sample documents, if possible'''# * '''Use Attachments where possible'''# * '''Put all relevant information into the issue'''
== How to File an Issue ==
::Look at the left panel where it says '''My Tool''' and click on '''File Issue'''
 ----== Issue Priorities and examplesExamples==
[ Source]
# Open state issues
##'''UNCONFIRMED : ''' This issue has recently been added. No one has validated that this issue is true. Users who have the "Project Issue Tracking - Change" permission set may confirm this issue, changing its state to '''NEW'''. or, it may be directly resolved and marked '''RESOLVED'''.##'''NEW : ''' This issue has recently been added to the assignee's list of issues and must be processed. Issues in this state may be accepted, and become '''STARTED''', passed on to someone else, and remain '''NEW''', or resolved and marked '''RESOLVED'''.##'''STARTED : ''' This issue is not yet resolved, but is assigned to the proper person. From here issues can be given to another person and become ''NEW'', or resolved and become ''RESOLVED''.##'''REOPENED : ''' This issue was once resolved, but the resolution was deemed incorrect. From here issues are either marked '''STARTED''' or '''RESOLVED'''
#Resolved state issues
##'''RESOLVED : ''' A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by QA. From here issues are either re-opened and become '''REOPENED''' are marked '''verified''' OR are closed for good and marked '''CLOSED'''.##'''VERIFIED : ''' QA has looked at the issue and the resolution and agrees that the appropriate resolution has been taken. Issues remain in this state until the product they were reported against is actually released. at which point they become '''CLOSED'''.##'''CLOSED : ''' The issue is considered dead. the resolution is correct. A closed issue can be reactivated by marking it '''REOPENED'''[[]]