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Distcc Setup

1,559 bytes added, 15:43, 25 January 2009
distcc Setup Steps
= distcc Setup Steps =
To install distcc using yum log on as root "su -" and type “yum search distcc”. Two packages available, install both to run as both client and server. At promt type “yum install distcc-server” to install server package and “yum install distcc” for client package.
On the server machine the distcc daemon(distccd) needs to be started. At promt as root type "distccd –-daemon –-user YOURUSERNAME –-allow"
Argument --user is if distccd gets executed as root, change to user USER, --allow IPADDR[/MASK] instructs distccd to accept connections from the IP address. A CIDR mask length can be supplied optionally after a trailing slash, e.g., in which case addresses that match in the most significant MASK bits will be allowed.
Now we need to setup the IPTABLES to allow connections to the distcc daemon. Before doing anything make a backup file of the original iptables file located in /etc/sysconfig/iptables. To do this we simply type “cp /etc/sysconfig/iptables [backupfile name]“. To allow connections type “iptables -I INPUT 7 -i eth0 -p tcp -s –dport 3632 -j ACCEPT”. To apply type “service iptables save”.
Argument -I is insert and -i is and network interface device and -p is protocol -s is source ipaddress and subnet, –dport is destination port and -j is rule.
On the client machine the server names need to be added to the host environment variable DISTCC_HOSTS. Ex: “export DISTCC_HOSTS=’ireland australia’”
(complete this collaboratively)