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Add GPS Support for Windows Mobile

1 byte removed, 23:33, 15 January 2009
no edit summary
I am tentatively planning to split the GPS and Camera work bisecting the semesters work so that my first 3-4 releases will be GPS related and my last 3-4 release will be Camera related. If my GPS/Camera work takes less time than expected I will pick up other bugs in mobile on Mark Finkle’s advice. Doug Turner and Mark Finkle are my primary contacts for the GPS work, primarily Doug as he has done the work on geolocation for Maemo (Nokia’s platform – N95) and also the work on the minimo code (which was the predecessor to the Windows CE (wince) version of the Fennec browser. My contacts for Camera work will be Brad Lassey and Mark Finkle, primarily Brad as he has done the most work relating to Camera on minimo (Fennec predecessor).
== Potential Issues ==