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Canvas3D XUL Runner App 0.3

1,685 bytes added, 13:27, 26 February 2009
no edit summary
{| border="0" | align="right"
| width="100" | Version 0.23
| width="241" | -
| width="100" | ☆ Windows →| width="241" | []|| -| width="100" | ☆ Mac OS X →| width="241" | [ (incomplete)]
'''Portable Canvas to work on Mac'''
= Feb 26 =
* Info.plist seems to be a culprit for many issues
** Changed the "Executable file" string back to "xulrunner" (to represent a file that actually exists)
** Note for other projects: use "plutil -lint" to check for invalid code
* Portable Canvas no longer gives the "architecture unsupported" error on any platform
** It simply closes as soon as it's run on a g5, which is still bad
** Edit: it closes immediately on any other Mac
* 0.3 build has been updated (fails. xD)
=== Handy shell code ===
plutil -lint
scp filename user@servername:
= Feb 23 =
=== Demi-success!!===
* Canvas elements display properly on Mac Mini!!
** However, the application simply refuses to run on Leopard
** Moving the app to the Applications folder doesn't fix the issue
** This issue is common among other programs on Leopard, including Adobe CS3
* The app was simply missing canvas3d.xpt from the components folder
* Next steps are to figure out how to work with Leopard
= Dec 15 =
* Windows version of Portable Canvas 0.3 is working!!
* '''Mac OS X version does not include its own copy of XUL Runner or demos'''
* How to exclude multiple pages in Wordpress:
* File permissions in Wordpress:
* Sometimes, the loaded file will produce errors
** This can be "fixed" by loading the file again
** Should work 70%+ of the time
*Duplicated new structure in old folder and ran it
**Produced a program with no application menu choices and no interface, so it couldn't be closed
**Discovered <Control>+Clicking on the program in the docdock, and the <Command>+<Alt>+<Esc> feature
*Realized I had renamed MyBrowser.jar to earlier (because Macs can't open .jar, and are stubborn about limiting extensions to specific applications)
*Now have a running version of Portable Canvas on a Mac! ...which doesn't know how to display Canvas elements