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Import sqlite test suite

310 bytes removed, 18:41, 17 October 2008
To Do
** SQLite itself***<strike>SQLite test suite [ here]</strike>** SQLite inside Firefox3***<strike>Find the default setting of SQLite files, tables, and values on Firefox 3</strike>**Make *<strike>Find a relationship tree that which classes or functions talk with SQLite</strike>***Run & <strike>understand the test program already built in the tests folder</strike>**<strike>SQLite test suite [ here]</strike>ETC***<strike>TCL research [ here]</strike> *Programming **Add new functions that when the firefox runs on test mode, it pops up a new window, and then shows only SQLite's communication parts and result.***process****Add a new option into .mozconfig<pre>ac_add_options -enable-SQLitePopUp</pre>****Bulid****Run firefox*****Open a new window when SQLite is called*****Display communication between functions and SQLite