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Review Questions for Test 1

1,530 bytes added, 22:48, 15 October 2008
The easiest way to recover the root password for GNU/LINUX in case we lost it, is
* make modules_install
=== How to create a initial ram disk image?===
* initrd (hd1,0)/initrd-
* A process that prevents multiple occurances from running at one time
=== When Fedora normal startup, What is 's the default run-levelin Fedora ?===
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* '''5'''
* 7
* init 4
* '''init 6'''
*'''telinit 6'''
=== Circle one, which is true for findfs command ? ===
* '''vgscan'''
* lvm
=== When is a good time to use the "partprobe" command ? ===
* '''After creating, deleting or modifying partitions'''
* After reboot the system
* Sometimes
* In a sunny day
=== What does the command "partprobe" do ? ===
* Query a database
* Query the kernel version
* '''Look for modifications in the partitions of the system and then if something was modified, load the new informations in to the kernel'''
* Look for new partitions
=== Which command can be used to fill your hard drive with 0s ?===
*'''dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M'''
* ff
* e2fs
* fdisk
=== Which linux command can be used to make a image ?'''===
* mkisofs
* dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/device
* mkimage
=== What does the command losetup do ?===
*'''It associates a file to a device (Ex:losetup /dev/loop0 fakedisk)
* nothing
* reboot the computer
* It erases the setup (lose setup)
=== The Operating system on our computers, we usually call it Linux. But Linux is actually a name for ===
* Operating System
* '''Kernel '''
* boot loader
* none of above
=== The easiest way to recover the root password for GNU/LINUX in case we lost it, is ===
* open the /etc/passwd file in vi editor & look for root password
* boot the computer form CD/DVD in run level 5 and run the passwd command
* boot the computer with MS-Linux Xp/Vista Live CD then click Start->Control Panel->Change MSlinux Password option.
* '''boot the system in single user mode & change the root password with /usr/bin/passwd command '''