→Week 6 (Oct 6) - NFS I
= Week 6 (Oct 6) - NFS I =
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_procedure_call Remote Procedure Call]
* [http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/nfs.htm NFS Overview and Gotchas]
* [http://nfs.sourceforge.net/ Linux NFS Overview]
* [http://www.citi.umich.edu/projects/nfsv4/ CITI NFSv4 Project Page]
* [http://wiki.linux-nfs.org/index.php/Main_Page NFSv4 Wiki Page]
[http://cs.senecac.on.ca/~rchan/nad710/0803/RPC-PortMapper.pdf RPC and Portmapper Slides (pdf format)]
[http://cs.senecac.on.ca/~rchan/nad710/0803/NFS-0803.pdf Introduction to NFS Slides (pdf format)]
=== Practical ===
* Enable NFS
** Kernel Module
** Portmapper - the rpcinfo command
** server daemons:
*** NFS services
*** NGS quotas
*** NFS daemon
*** NFS mountd
* NFS Server configuration file /etc/exports
** syntax
** options: ro/rw, root_squash/no_root_squash/all_squash
** exportfs command
** showmount command
* NFS Client configuration file /etc/fstab
** syntax
** mount options: ro/rw, soft/hard, intr, rsize/wsize, proto, nfsvers
* NFS security issues
[[NAD710 Lab 6|NFS Lab]]
= Week 7 (Oct 13) - NFS II =
= FSOSS and Break Week (Oct 20) =