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771 bytes removed, 18:41, 27 September 2008
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components, the communication mechanisms - does UDP work at such a
scale, the grid topology - what happens when two nodes are behind firewalls.
Resource: [[:fedora:Nightlife|Nightlife wiki page]], Matthew Farrellee
== Update Condor Build System ==
At the foundation of many good applications is its build
infrastructure. The latest generation of tools includes GNU make with a
very powerful interpreted language and ever increasing functionality in
autotools. Condor has a build system from a few generations back. It
uses imake, originally designed for building X. While new systems are
more powerful and provide enhanced functionality, there isn't always a
clear mapping to features of older systems. Don't only find a way to use
newer tools to build Condor, but find a way to use the power of current
generation tools in ways that aren't just a straight mapping of need
satisfied by older systems.
Resource: [[:fedora:Nightlife|Nightlife wiki page]], Matthew Farrellee