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Fall 2008 LPT730 Weekly Schedule

65 bytes added, 13:35, 21 September 2008
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== Weekly schedule remarks ==
* This schedule is tentative and is subject to change
* The instructional portion of the course will consist of 11 10 weekly sessions* A "Session" for this course , unless announced otherwise, starts on Thursday starting with a lecture followed by a lab on Tuesdayfor this course
== Links ==
= Session 04 (Sept 25 - Oct 1) - Finding and Moving Files , XHTML =
== Lecture ==
* Peer-to-peer Protocols
* Peer-to-peer Applications
* XHTMl Fundamentals
* XHTMl Editors
Software Covered
* azureus
* amule
* vi
* Bluefish
Class slides: TBA
= Session 05 (Oct 2 - Oct 8) - File Formats = Lab #4: ==TBA: == Links: ==TBA = Session 06 05 (Oct 9 2 - Oct 15) - File Formats Continued Document Creation: CSS and Assignment 1 Presentations JavaScript =
= Midterm Test (Oct 16) =
= Fun and Games (Oct 27) =
= Session 07 06 (Oct 30 - Nov 5) - Graphics Applications Document Creation: Linux == Session 08 07 (Nov 6 - Nov 12) - Multimedia Software File Formats: Linux == Session 09 08 (Nov 13 - Nov 19 ) - Office Productivity File Formats: Conversion == Session 10 09 (Nov 20 - Nov 26) - Document Creation Graphics Applications and Multimedia Software == Session 11 10 (Nov 27 - Dec 3) - Document Creation Continued and Assignment 2 Presentations Office Productivity == Course Wrap-Up and Review (Dec 4) ==
= Exam Week (Dec 8 - Dec 12) =